‘Justified’ season 4 spoilers: Raylan and Boyd – who is the prey, who is the predator?

JustifiedWe have watched Raylan Givens and Boyd Crowder’s antagonistic relationship develop over the past 3 seasons into something that boarders along the lines of “friendship”, but all of that is going to change in season 4 of “Justified” as Boyd and his crew continue to build their illegal business ventures in Harlan County much to the annoyance of Raylan and the Marshall’s service.

In a new interview with TV Guide, Timothy Olyphant discussed Raylan’s relationship with Boyd, saying that as much as viewers have enjoyed their strange bromance, he realizes that their relationship will get boring sooner rather then later, so the plan is to change it up in season 4.  Boyd and Raylan will take on a predator and prey type relationship, but at this point it’s not clear which roles they will take on.  Olyphant said: “You don’t want to just keep doing the same scene over and over again just ’cause it works.” 

When Olyphant is told that viewers would happily watch Boyd and Raylan gab on for hours, he felt that fans would quickly tune out.  He said: “I appreciate the compliment, but that’s just not true.  There would come a point, probably sooner than you realize, where you would go, ‘This is boring.'”

Olyphant is right about viewers tiring of Boyd and Raylan’s strange friendship and now that Boyd is back in business, we are excited to see just how bad he can be since most of us have forgotten our first introduction to Boyd when he blew up a church purely based on his race issues.  It’s a game of cat and mouse that we can’t wait to see and hopefully this story line will start to unravel this season.

A new episode of “Justified” season 4 airs tonight at 10 p.m. on FX, so be sure to tune in and see what happens when Pastor Billy takes aim at Boyd and his crew.

Photo: FX

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