The Cleaning Lady season 1 episode 8 spoilers: Thony’s trek to Mexico

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Is The Cleaning Lady season 1 episode 8 on Fox going to set the stage for the finale? We don’t want to guarantee that yet, since there are still two episodes after the fact. Nonetheless, we do have a good sense that this is going to be as big, dramatic, and chaotic of a story as we’re going to see. After all, Thony’s got a dangerous international mission on her hands, and it’s one that will have a surprise turn about halfway through. We don’t necessarily think the character is going to die, but there absolutely is still a lot of danger ahead.

To get a few more details, be sure to check out the full The Cleaning Lady season 1 episode 8 synopsis below:

Thony enlists Arman’s help to get to Mexico for Luca’s transplant, but plans go dangerously off course when Hayak finds out Arman is lying to him. Thony finds herself in a desperate situation, forcing her to call upon both the former doctor and the newfound “gangsta” in herself in the all-new “Full On Gangsta” episode of THE CLEANING LADY airing Monday, Feb. 28 (9:01-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (CLD-108) (TV-14 D, L, S,V)

One of the things that the show has done a good job at so far is making each story feel like it’s own big event, and we absolutely hope there are a few big jaw-droppers in this one. The more that each episode can stand out, the better off the overall fabric of the show is and the more likely we are to get a season 2.

Speaking of a possible renewal, we do still think the ratings are in a position where there is hope. Nothing is guaranteed but let’s be honest here: They rarely ever are within this world. This show is at least delivering better than we expected leading into it.

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to The Cleaning Lady right now

What do you most want to see when it comes to The Cleaning Lady season 1 episode 8?

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