Is 1883 new this week on Paramount+? Season 1 episode 9 preview


Is 1883 new this week on Paramount+? Are we actually going to get another new episode, or will we be stuck with another repeat? Just like you would expect, there’s a reason for the near-constant confusion. Because the streaming service threw those two repeats previously out there, it’s enough to make us think that they could throw some others out there at just about every moment.

Luckily, the good news is that at least for this weekend, you’re going to see another season on the air. “Racing Clouds” is season 1 episode 9, and it is the penultimate episode of the current batch. There’s a finale coming after the fact, though it may not technically be the season finale. After all, Paramount+ recently ordered more episodes but did not technically say that they are ordering a season 2. Just in case you needed things to be any more confusing than they already are, here you go.

For a few more details now on what the story is going to be when this next episode airs, we suggest you check out the 1883 season 1 episode 9 synopsis:

A misunderstanding leads to a battle with serious consequences.

This battle is, most likely, going to have some harsh consequences. We know that Elsa is already heartbroken after having to leave Sam behind, but the unfortunate thing for her is that more misery could be coming around each and every corner. She has to prepare herself for lives to be lost as the wagon train turns dangerous. As if everyone wasn’t dealing with enough problems already in between the weather, the lack of supplies, or some of the dangerous terrain. We already know that the Duttons don’t exactly make it to Oregon when the dust settles.

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to 1883 right now

What do you most want to see when it comes to 1883 season 1 episode 9?

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