The Blacklist season 9: How long could this Liz mystery last?
In exactly one week from now The Blacklist season 9 is finally coming back from hiatus — and, of course, we couldn’t be more excited! While we’ll admit it took a while for this season to really get going, the big reveal regarding the night of Liz’s death lit a metaphorical match.
So who is responsible for guiding Vandyke to that location, and when could we get a little more news about it? That’s something we’re hoping the show stays focused on for at least a good while when it returns.
New The Blacklist video! Take a look below in the event you want to watch our new preview for the upcoming episode. We will have a substantial review after it concludes, so SUBSCRIBE to Matt & Jess on YouTube! There are more updates on the way and we don’t want you to miss any of them.
One thing we’ve been able to gather already from the information currently released is that the Liz mystery will at least carry over until March; there is a discussion about it that will happen in the episode “The Conglomerate” airing two weeks from tonight.
As for how long things continue beyond that, this is where things begin to get a little bit more up in the air. You can make a case that they keep this specific mystery lingering until the end of the season, but if they do that, they are really banking on this idea that there is a season 10 on the other side. A more practical idea could be to keep this mystery going for another month or two, and then give us a final four or five episodes where we really know who is responsible for getting the assassin there. From that point, we can watch a showdown that could be tied up this season. Would you have to create a new story for season 10 in that instance? Sure, but we’d rather have closure than potentially not getting any at all.
What are you the most excited for at the moment when it comes to The Blacklist season 9?
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