Snowfall season 5: A new spotlight all about Jerome
Jerome is a character with so many wonderful layers to him. On the surface, you have a guy who is capable of doing whatever needs to be done for his own interests — and Louie’s. He’s fiercely determined but also sensitive, and there is a kindness that shines through a number of different moments. He’s got a bigger heart than almost anyone else within the show’s Los Angeles world.
Watch our Snowfall season 4 finale review now! Take a look below to get some of our thoughts about how this chapter of the story ended. Once you do just that, we suggest that you SUBSCRIBE to Matt & Jess on YouTube! There are more updates on the way all about the show and of course, we don’t want you missing any of them.
So what’s coming up for Jerome in season 4? We’re sure that some of this is going to be about the evolving nature of Franklin’s criminal empire. He’s continuing to build and improve his business, but where does that leave Louie and Jerome? How are they going to feel about things?
If you head over to the link here, you can better prepare for season 5 with a highlight reel of some of the character’s best moments over the course of the past several years. Honestly, there’s so much good stuff that this could have been a few minutes longer.
Rest assured, you’ll see Jerome back in action before you even know it. For now, Snowfall season 5 is slated to premiere come Wednesday, February 23 — it’s just over a week away!
Related – Check out some other updates when it comes to Snowfall right now
What do you most want to see for Jerome moving into Snowfall season 5?
Be sure to share right now in the comments! After you take a look at that, remember to stick around for some other updates all about the series. (Photo: FX.)
This article was written by Jessica BunBun. Be sure to follow her on Twitter.