The Amazing Race 33 episode 6: Can Arun & Natalia turn it around?

After tonight’s installment, The Amazing Race 33 episode 6 is heading off to a new destination — and we have to hope there’s more drama there.

Throughout most of episode 5, there was almost zero competition as it was abundantly clear that Arun & Natalia were in last place. Yet, they’re sticking around because this was a non-elimination leg. The twist? They will be departing last on their own.

Do these two stand even a tiny chance? We’d love to see them make it far, just because 1) they’re likable and 2) are enormous fans of the race. However, they’ve placed last on two occasions already and are absolutely terrible with navigation. They were SO far behind tonight that the greeter and their pug took off before they got to the Pit Stop.

What we can say right now about episode 6 is that the remaining teams are heading to Corsica, France and oddly, the preview didn’t even focus on the bulk of the teams. Instead, it was primarily on Ryan & Dusty struggling with one of the tasks. Maybe this is the Race’s way of throwing some more drama at us, as the two seem to be far and away the favorites to win the whole thing right now. They’ve got a big athletic advantage on a lot of the other teams and beyond just that, shown that they can handle adversity already. There are also other teams that have bigger and more obvious weaknesses.

This is a weird season — there’s no denying that. We just think now would be the time for a few things to up the competition a little more. Can Ryan & Dusty, for example, overcome a U-Turn? Could we bring back the Fast Forward for at least one episode? Both are interesting things to think about…

What do you most want to see on The Amazing Race 33 episode 6?

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