New Amsterdam season 4 episode 14: Did Dr. Reynolds betray the team?

New Amsterdam season 4

Tonight’s New Amsterdam season 4 episode 14 proved to be a heck of an intense hour of TV, and also the darkest hospital drama storyline we’ve seen in some time.

At the center of the story tonight was a battle, one between Dr. Fuentes and then also the “Resistance,” a group of people underneath her that were trying to keep to Max Goodwin’s old ways. Dr. Wilder tried to lead the charge and despite some of her work, it all proved futile.

What was curious to see, though, was the person who leaked information to Fuentes on what was really going on. Dr. Floyd Reynolds. He did what he could to build up his own placement at the hospital, but at the expense of everyone else. Dr. Bloom’s resignation was accepted despite her no longer wanting to that to happen. Meanwhile, Iggy lost his position as department chair after Fuentes considered him a financial liability.

Are extraordinary disappointed in Floyd? Absolutely, but there’s no denying the power of Jocko Sims’ performance as he prepared to scrub in to surgery, knowing full well that the entire hospital was furious about him in the process.

Max and Helen’s decision

Through most of the episode the two of them realized that they no longer had any control of the hospital; they just had to accept that. In Max’s words, he had to realize that this was not “his fight.”

Yet, there is one thing Helen reminded him in the closing minutes: This is his fight. Max may have done everything he could to make the hospital better before leaving, but none of that may matter. Sharpe pressed him to stay at the hospital and fight. She was still heading back to London, but she didn’t want her to come with him until his work was 100% done.

Related Be sure to get some more stories on New Amsterdam, including a larger look towards the future

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