9-1-1: Lone Star season 3 episode 3 video: Will TK survive?

9-1-1: Lone Star

After a week off of the air 9-1-1: Lone Star season 3 episode 3 is on the air tomorrow night, and it feels like almost no one is safe.

Want some more insight into that? Then take a look below at the promo for “Shock & Thaw.” There’s a lot going on here, especially when it comes to TK’s life being in danger. The good news for the character is that he’s hospitalized and with that, he’s at least in a spot where people can adequately take care of him. The problem is that things can still happen, and the promo has us immensely concerned for Carlos, as well. We can’t imagine what it is like being in the position he’s in watching all of this go down.

Meanwhile, there’s another character facing high stakes and a near-impossible situation here in Grace. She’s about to have her baby, but her problem is that she’s stuck in the middle of the snowstorm. Judd can’t get to her, and we’re not sure anyone can. Will the baby and her both end up okay? For whatever reason, the writers have decided to torment us as much as possible entering this episode.

The craziest thing of all entering this episode is knowing that the ice storm is far from over. There’s still going to be another episode after the fact titled “Push,” and it seems like Grace’s labor may continue into that. When we get to episode 5 airing in early January, there’s a chance that things will start to evolve and the ice storm won’t be the primary focus of the story anymore. You’re just going to have to wait a little while to get around to that.

Related Be sure to get some more news on 9-1-1: Lone Star right now

What do you most want to see when it comes to 9-1-1: Lone Star season 3 episode 3?

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This article was written by Jess Carter. Be sure to follow her on Twitter.

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