Yellowjackets season 2 theory: Is Lottie 100% the Antler Queen?

Yellowjackets season 1

Coming out of the Yellowjackets season 1 finale, there are a number of clear assumptions. Take, for example, how Jackie died. Or, that Lottie is apparently still alive in the present.

For the sake of this article, though, let’s get more into what was one of the show’s biggest mysteries through all of season 1: The identity of the Antler Queen. Is it fair to assume 100% that this is Lottie in the photo above?

New Yellowjackets video! Take a look below to get some of our thoughts regarding the recent, epic season 1 finale. Once you do that, remember to SUBSCRIBE to Matt & Jess on YouTube. That is the #1 way to ensure you don’t miss any other updates.

If we were to put a percentage on it, then we’d say yes, there’s a 90% chance, give or take, that this is Lottie under that mask and headdress. We’ve already seen images of the character with a modified version of it. Also, with her clairvoyancy, it’s easy to imagine why she would become a de-facto cult leader in the wilderness. The fact that she’s still around and there seem to be new people in her cult only further these claims.

Yet, we also wonder this: Are we being set up for a red herring? It’s certainly possible that the antlers become in the past somewhat like a symbolic crown, and whoever wears them ends up becoming a conduit for her thinking. We wouldn’t be shocked if someone like Van becomes a leader of some of her “teachings” and it is her under that mask. What if Lottie becomes too unhinged in the past to even be a proper leader at that time? Or, what if she doesn’t want to hold that specific role?

The one thing we’ve come to learn about Yellowjackets already is that nothing is ever as it seems. Remember, for most of season 1 Lottie was never mentioned in the present. There’s also a chance other people are still out there.

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Yellowjackets right now

Do you think Yellowjackets season 2 will offer up a new Antler Queen twist at all?

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