Around the World in 80 Days season 1 episode 6 spoilers: In the Pacific

Around the World in 80 Days 3

Following today’s episode, why wouldn’t you want to take a look towards Around the World in 80 Days season 1 episode 6? For starters, we’re getting closer to the end of the run now! We’re past the halfway point and from here on out, things are only going to get more intense.

So where are things right now. For starters, Phileas and his group are now in the Pacific, and they are not in a great spot. They don’t have a lot of outs, and there’s also tension between all of them. Doesn’t some of this need to be worked out in order for everyone to move forward? You’d think so. Otherwise, they’ll be stuck here forever. Ultimately, we’ll have a chance soon to see where things go and we’re excited for every part of it.

Below, you can see the full Around the World in 80 Days season 1 episode 6 synopsis to set the stage more for what’s ahead:

Our trio of travellers are now Pacific castaways. Passepartout attempts to atone for his treachery, Abigail is apologetic, but Phileas remains stubborn as revelations and regrets drive wedges between them. Meanwhile, the Reform Club hears the distressing news that Fogg and Fix are lost at sea.

Given that there are still two episodes left after this one, we can probably make at least a few assumptions here. First things first, Phileas and Abigail aren’t going to be stuck in this position forever. They will find a way to move on, though anyone who knows the source material should already be familiar with that. But where will the story go from here? How much more magic can be captured? These are some of the things that we’re currently left to ponder over at present.

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Around the World in 80 Days right now

What do you most want to see when it comes to Around the World in 80 Days season 1 episode 6?

Be sure to share some of your thoughts and early predictions in the comments! Once you do just that, be sure to also stick around. We’ll have more news coming before too long. (Photo: BBC One.)

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