Better Call Saul season 6: Why split up the season?

Better Call Saul season 6

There’s a chance that you’ve heard the news already that Better Call Saul season 6 could end up being split into halves. There are only thirteen episodes, so that means you’d likely get the first six or seven in one chunk and then the remaining episodes down the road. How long is strictly up to AMC.

So why do this? Haven’t we all suffered enough waiting so long to see the show back? It may be frustrating, but we know there are some logistical reasons for AMC to at least consider it.

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First and foremost, AMC wants recognition and press — the longer they can keep the show in the headlines, the better it is for them. We mean that specifically here in terms of awards-show recognition. Better Call Saul has gotten love over the years, but not always the big prizes. Given that the deadline for eligibility is June 1, don’t be shocked if the first half of the season airs before that and the second half after it. That allows them to be eligible for different years, and we’ve seen them use this strategy before both with the end of Breaking Bad and Mad Men.

Also, structuring the season this way would give them a longer period of time to promote some other shows coming to the network — thus keeping their brand in the headlines for a tiny bit longer.

What about for post-production?

Sometimes, it takes a while for episodes to be edited together and scored. There could be a slight advantage to splitting up the season from this point of view. It’d allow AMC to air the first half of the season while work is presumably being done on the second. In the end, it’s one more thing to consider.

Are you bummed out that Better Call Saul season 6 may see its season split up?

Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, be sure to then also come back around for further updates on the show. (Photo: AMC.)

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