A Very British Scandal season 1 episode 2 air date, new spoilers

A Very British Scandal

Following the series premiere today on BBC One, do you want to see A Very British Scandal season 1 episode 2 air date, plus more details on what’s ahead? There are a few different things worth thinking about here!

First and foremost, let’s kick things off here with this: The simple fact that there is another episode coming on the air tomorrow! This show, an offshoot-of-sorts to A Very English Scandal, is going to make sure people stick with it almost right away. There are a lot of reasons to watch, from the performance of Claire Foy to the overall story of Margaret Campbell, Duchess of Argyll. There is a lot to dive into here in a short amount of time and from start to finish, we’ll see how Margaret moves forward and how she tries to secure her claim.

Below, you can check out the full A Very British Scandal season 1 episode 2 synopsis with some more news as to what lies ahead:

Putting aside gnawing doubts about her marriage, Margaret continues with her plan to secure her claim to Inveraray Castle. But a private photograph has the potential to destroy everything she has ever worked for and fuel the fire of one of the most scandalous divorce trials in British history.

Given that there are only three episodes to this series, you’re looking here at a case where the network is going to waste very little time releasing some of these installments. After tomorrow’s debut of episode 2, you’re then going to have an opportunity to see episode 3. That’s it. We know that there are many more “scandals” that could be taken on down the line, and we just have to wait and see what the producers decide.

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to A Very British Scandal

What do you most want to see when it comes to A Very British Scandal season 1 episode 2?

Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, stick around — there are more updates on the way and we don’t want you missing any of them. (Photo: BBC.)

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