‘Bones’ season 8 review: Brennan and Booth ‘Dance to the Top’ to catch a killer
On tonight’s episode of “Bones” season 8 Angela is still struggling with her lack of creative outlet and is becoming restless with work because of it. Brennan tries to make a connection between their latest victim (a dancer) and Angela in an attempt to help her feel better about giving up art for science, and although her attempt doesn’t work, Angela appreciates her effort.
While looking at x-rays, Angela starts to realize that she needs to go back to art in some form and Cam offers her some time off after the case is solved. At the end of the day Angela takes her son to the gallery to take in some beautiful art, but Cam has to call her back to work to help with the case. Angela sits down with Hodgins and tells him that she can’t deal with being surrounded with all this darkness. He says that he’s going to try to find a way to give her whatever she wants for the day and goes to talk to Cam to find a way to make that happen. Cam offers Angela less hours at work so that she can have more personal time to get what she needs.
Their main suspect in the “dancer case” was the victim’s dance partner who is training for a reality competition show called “Dance to the Top”. Because Booth has experience with dance (even teaching at one point), it made sense to Sweets for Booth to find a way to get on the show. Brennan is excited for the opportunity to go under cover with Booth and help catch the killer (and win the competition of course.)
While at the “Dance to the Top” rehearsals Booth and Brennan notice two dance couples that are obviously in competition with each other. As they question some of the dancers they find they are getting no where without knowing the cause of death, but after checking in with the lab they learn that the dancer’s neck was broken (cause of death) and that she was poisoned with lead over a long period of time.
After finding out that one of the dancers had been poisoning the victim to make her ill enough that she couldn’t dance, they realize that her boyfriend is the person that actually broke her neck so that the two of them could escape her bossy mother and they could take off together. Even though the case has been solved Brennan tells Booth she still wants to audition for the show giving Brennan a moment to let go and feel artistic herself.
What did you think of tonight’s episode of “Bones” season 8? Leave us a comment and let us know if you think Angela should leave the lab and follow her dreams.
Photo: Fox