‘Game of Thrones’ season 3 video: Check out HBO’s latest teaser

Game of Thrones Season 3For HBO’s latest teaser at “Game of Thrones” season 3, they have brought us a raven with three eyes … seriously. Oh, and they’ve also decided to give us a glimpse at the Golden Gate Bridge.

Traditionally, every single piece of promotional material that the show puts out there is something that causes mass celebration, and allows for some sort of additional reason to be excited. However, there is a big part of us here that is just voting for “I don’t get it” when it comes to trying to understand why the show bothered to use this rather than something that was more centered in Westeros. Do we understand the whole theme of bringing their world into our world? Definitely! We just don’t really think that HBO needs to rely on gimmicks to promote a show that we picked as the best of 2012 during the holidays.

As for when we will actually see a proper trailer for “Game of Thrones” season 3, the answer to this very question is likely to be within the next several weeks. Filming wrapped up at this point more than a month ago, so there has been at least a sizable chunk of post-production work done already. Plus, this follows the sort of timeline as to when we traditionally find out some more information about an HBO prior to its premiere. With its ratings increasing pretty much throughout its run so far, there is certainly potential that this could eventually surpass “True Blood” and become their most-popular program on TV. (It already does incredibly well across multiple viewings … but is also the most-pirated show on TV when it comes to the percentage of people watching it illegally.)

Do you want to see some more “Game of Thrones” casting news? If so, be sure to read the story that is online over here.

Photo: HBO

Game of Thrones News

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