Is Doctor Who new tonight on BBC? Is season 13, Flux, really done?
Well, this is where we come bearing some bad news, at least for the time being. There is no new episode on the show tonight. Why is that? Well, last week was the finale for the Doctor Who: Flux storyline and because of that, we’re in a little bit of a holding pattern.
Luckily, we’re going to see the series return sooner rather than later on New Year’s Day! It’s been a tradition the past few years for there to be a January 1 special and this one, to the surprise of no one, is going to feature more Daleks. That’s also been a part of the tradition somewhat, but this particular story is going to be weirder and more inventive than most. After all, a time loop is going to be at the center of the madness!
To get a few more details all about what you can expect, take a look at the official synopsis below:
New Year’s Eve. Sarah is working – again. Nick is her only customer – again. Same old same old. Except this year, their countdown to midnight will be the strangest and deadliest they have ever known. Why is an executioner Dalek targeting these two people, in this place, on this night? Why are they having to live through the same moments again? Can the Doctor, Yaz and Dan save them and survive into the New Year?
Is this the final episode for Jodie Whittaker?
We know that her regeneration is happening next year, but there is no evidence it’ll be taking place this early. More than likely, you’ll see that big moment come a little bit later in 2022 and we hope to have some more information all about that in due time.
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What do you most want to see on Doctor Who moving forward?
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