Is The Blacklist new tonight on NBC? Is season 9 episode 6 here?

The Blacklist season 9 art

After a long time waiting for it, is The Blacklist season 9 episode 6 new tonight on NBC? Are we going to be diving into the story once more?

We know that the James Spader drama’s been on hiatus over the past little while, and it only makes sense then to wonder if the hiatus is going to last until the new year. This is where we can present a little bit of good news: It’s not! There will be a new episode on the show at 8:00 p.m. Eastern time, though “Dr. Roberta Sand Ph.D” is going to be the final one for the calendar year. This episode is a little unusual, given that it’s airing on an island largely separate from the story taking place around it.

New The Blacklist video! If you haven’t watched our full review yet for this past episode, be sure to take a look at it below! Once you do just that, remember to SUBSCRIBE to Matt & Jess on YouTube; there are more updates on the way and of course, you don’t want to miss them.

So what can we say about the story at present? It starts with the full The Blacklist season 9 episode 6 synopsis below:

12/09/2021 (08:00PM – 09:00PM) (Thursday) : The Task Force investigates a therapist who may be the key to the resurgence of an organized crime family. Red conducts an investigation of his own. TV-14

We’ve probably said this a few times over at this point, but our hope is that tonight, The Blacklist really works hard to establish a narrative that is a little more long-term in nature. There have been fun moments throughout season 9, but nothing as of yet that explains why Reddington is fully back in this world once again. We need a better sense of that, as well as a tease for what the next part of the season will look like.

What do you most want to see when it comes to The Blacklist season 9 episode 6?

Are you glad that the show is back on the air tonight, or a little bummed out over the fact that this is the last episode of the calendar year? Be sure to share right now in the comments! Once you do just that, stick around — there are some other updates that you don’t want to miss. (Photo: NBC.)

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