Survivor 41 episode 12 sneak peek: Deshawn’s final three ‘plan’

Deshawn Radden, Survivor 41

As you prepare for Survivor 41 episode 12 on CBS tomorrow night, is a new alliance officially taking center stage? If nothing else, the sneak peek below does a good job of convincing you of that very thing!

This alliance is one that was already teased in the promo for this episode: Deshawn, Erika, and Xander. There are reasons for it to work, but also plenty of reasons for it not to. Xander’s really the only person who could be 100% committed to it! Erika has Heather and Deshawn has Danny, and it’s hard to imagine either of them wanting to kick their close ally to the curb.

New Survivor 41 video! If you haven’t watched our own review yet for this past episode, you can do that below! Once you do, remember to SUBSCRIBE to Matt & Jess on YouTube — there are other updates coming and we don’t want you to miss them.

Yet, in this preview Erika does recognize that at some point, she may need to vote out Heather, given that the jury may see the two as having similar games and that could hurt her chances. She seems to be more into this idea than Deshawn himself, who seems mostly interested for now in getting Erika to admit that she’d vote Heather out. That is information he could use down the road and he’s ready to do that if need be.

We don’t blame Deshawn for more or less trying anything at this point. It’s clear that he is at the bottom of the final six and if he does nothing, will probably be voted out next. His only hopes are to either make a move, find an idol, or win immunity. He might as well try all three, right?

Related Be sure to get some more news on Survivor, including other details on what’s next!

What do you most want to see when it comes to Survivor 41 episode 12?

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