The Blacklist season 9 episode 5: Who could be after Cooper?

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As we prepare now for The Blacklist season 9 episode 5 on NBC this Thursday, what lies ahead for Harold Cooper?

When you look at the state of things right now for Harry Lennix’s character, it is clear that he is in a delicate spot. All signs point to him being responsible for the death of Doug, the man his wife Charlene had an affair with several years ago. He’s even seemingly going to the police station to turn himself in!

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While there is clearly evidence that Harold may have done this, including when it comes to his own gun, nothing feels right. Take, for starters, the motive: Why would Cooper kill someone like Doug at this point? It’s been so long and he’s moved past it. Also, the fact that he can’t remember anything suggests that he was drugged.

The challenge at this point is, of course, finding someone who knows about Charlene’s affair and also has a vendetta against Cooper. Could it be a past Blacklister? Mr. Solomon could be an interesting candidate since he was around at that time; however, Solomon also has been MIA largely since The Blacklist: Redemption was canceled. We aren’t getting a whole lot of evidence right now that this character is going to be coming back.

One other interesting possibility is that a character from the past is actually tied now to a new Big Bad, and this is someone who is slowly and methodically trying to destroy the lives of the entire Task Force. What would be interesting about this is that Reddington could be in a position where he has to stop one of their enemies, as opposed to the other way around.

What do you think is going to happen to Cooper on The Blacklist season 9 episode 5?

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