The Blacklist season 9 episode 5 photo: Dembe and a package…
Take, for example, what’s going on with Dembe Zuma in this picture. Why is there a package sitting in front of him? Is someone giving him a present? Well, let’s remember that this is The Blacklist — this is hardly the sort of show where happy things happen to a lot of these characters most of the time.
New The Blacklist video! Take a look below to get some more insight on this past episode of the series. Be sure to also SUBSCRIBE to Matt and Jess on YouTube; there are some other updates coming the rest of the season including reviews, previews, and a whole lot more.
What we know about episode 5 (entitled “Benjamin T. Okara”) is that we could see Dembe in a pretty precarious position. All of a sudden, his job at the FBI may come into a tight spot because of his past association with Reddington. Heck, there may be questions about his current association. Are we in a situation coming up where Dembe’s job is in jeopardy?
One of the things we know that we want to see moving forward is for Hisham Tawfiq and James Spader’s characters to eventually get on the same page. Something happened with the two of them in the past, seemingly six months after the death of Liz, that caused them to drift apart. This past episode made an allusion to an incident in Brasilia, and we have to think that this will be revisited at some point.
Whether or not it is addressed on this particular episode coming up, though, is an entirely different story.
What do you most want to see from Dembe moving into The Blacklist season 9 episode 5?
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