Better Call Saul season 6: Another dose of BTS fun!
Luckily, at least episode 11 director (and show executive producer) Thomas Schnauz was kind enough to share a few behind-the-scenes teases on social media. Just in case you wanted to see how they shoot a number of scenes from high above, we’ve got a two-word answer for you: Giant crane. Also, apparently you have to use a giant slate for filming with a giant crane — that way, people can see it from high above.
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So what could a director need a crane like this for so close to the end of the season? We can think of a few possibilities; take, for example, someone wandering through the desert and you want to show just how vast it is. Another idea? You’re doing some sort of chase sequence and you want to look at it from a few different angles.
No matter what transpires specifically, we have to imagine that in episode 11 of a 13-episode final season, everything is going to be hitting the fan. We’re anticipating that we’re going to see a lot of drama and high stakes for Jimmy McGill a.k.a. Saul Goodman, both in the past and also the future. We know how his story ends in the Breaking Bad timeline but beyond that? There are a number of other mysteries still floating around out there.
Let’s hope that we’ll have a chance to see some season 6 episodes by the time we get around to the spring — and maybe some premiere-date news this winter!
What do you most want to see when it comes to Better Call Saul season 6?
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