Power Book II: Ghost season 2 character posters pose big questions
In leading up to the new season Starz has released a number of character-specific posters. Why not dive into some of them further HERE?
Watch our Power Book II: Ghost finale review! Below, we get into all of the crazy stuff that happened over the course of that epic hour. Once you do that, SUBSCRIBE to Matt & Jess on YouTube and remember we’ll be back to discuss the show more after the premiere.
So where is a good starting-off point for this discussion? Let’s dive into Tariq’s right-hand man in Brayden.
Sure, Brayden has already established himself to be as loyal a friend as they come — he’ll do whatever he can in order to ensure that Michael Rainey Jr.’s character is okay. However, are there limits to that loyalty? Could too much be thrown on him at once?
You can see alongside the Brayden poster above one featuring Cane and the word “respect.” Is he ever going to get that? It’s important to remember here that respect is often earned and, at least for the time being, we don’t think he’s there yet. There is still some work to be done in order to ensure that he’s worth trusting. The guy has a LOT of skeletons, plus a number of instances where he’s clearly gone rogue.
Now, let’s take a look at Monet, who is featured with the word “Deception.” She’s both Tariq’s greatest asset and worst enemy given that she wants power and will do what she can in order to get it. She’s also only to be trusted to a point. Sooner or later, she could end up making her own move and you gotta be prepared for that! David, featured with the word “Ambition,” is similar in that he will always think of himself first. At this point, we’re mostly curious to know how he will be featured since presumably, his role is going to be different coming up now. It almost has to be after the way that season 1 ended.
Of course, we’ll be able to dive into some of these characters further when Book II premieres — for now, visit the link here to see a new promo!
What story are you looking forward to the most with Power Book II: Ghost season 2?
Be sure to share right now in the comments! Once you do just that, stick around — there are other updates coming and we don’t want you missing them. (Photo: Starz.)