‘Sons of Anarchy’ season 5: Watch the final ‘Before the Anarchy’ video

Sons of AnarchyIf you have been following the excellent “Before the Anarchy” series through “Sons of Anarchy” season 5, then you already know how these videos are a nice little addition to the world set up by Kurt Sutter, the actors, and the rest of the crew. All year long they have provided a nice little companion to production, and after numerous interviews and behind-the-scenes tidbits, this season, just like the show itself weeks ago, has come to an end.

You can watch the 25th and final edition of “Before the Anarchy” for season 5 below, and it is largely just a look back at everything that has been done so far, including some highlights, funny moments that slipped through the cracks, and some of the reasons why the experience of creating these videos has been a complete and total blast. The cast and crew seemingly enjoyed having them around, and also appreciated the instant feedback that was coming in for much of the seas on Twitter and Facebook.

It ultimately does make a little bit of sense for these videos to stretch out into early January, if for no other reason than that it keeps people talking about the show presumably a little while longer than they otherwise would have, which is something that Sutter himself said in a recent video he keeps in mind when making comments that could potentially draw attention from the media. The “Sons of Anarchy” writers are going to return to work next month for season 6, and after that we should at least have some sort of scoop to share over the months ahead leading up to the show’s big return in the fall.

Have you enjoyed these videos? If you want to see Sutter’s recent clarification of his comments about AMC and “The Walking Dead,” you can do so over here.

Photo: FX

Sons of Anarchy News

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