The Good Doctor season 5 episode 3 promo: Shaun takes on Salen

The Good Doctor season 3

When The Good Doctor season 5 episode 3 airs on ABC this Monday, it’s going to be clear right away that Shaun Murphy is struggling. Also, we understand perfectly why that is. This is someone who is brilliant, but also thrives within somewhat of a routine. When there is too much change around it, it starts to tear apart his mind, and that is precisely what seems to be coming up.

In the promo below, you can see the events that lead to a confrontation between him and new hospital owner Salen Morrison. It begins with her instituting a number of different changes to the way that Shaun and the other doctors are meant to treat patients. He’s frustrated enough about those, only to then learn after the fact that she has made more without letting him know in advance. That causes him to be frustrated and have a very testy conversation with her — one that could have larger consequences.

Is Shaun’s engagement to Lea also weighing on him? It’s not a stressful thing in the same way, but it does also represent some change. Everything in his world is changing, and he may also still be getting used to Mateo’s presence at the hospital and Claire’s departure.

Unfortunately when it comes to Salen, Shaun does have to prepare for her to be around for quite a while still. There’s no indication that this is going to be some quick arc; typically, people don’t just buy hospitals only to then sell them a matter of weeks or months later. Hopefully, he can find a way to focus on some of the things that matter most in his life — or, at the very least figure out some compromises that keep him more satisfied at work.

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