‘How I Met Your Mother’ season 8 spoilers: Robin gets some baby time

Cobie SmuldersIf we look back at “How I Met Your Mother” season 7, one of the more devastating moments to take place was clearly the revelation that Robin was not able to have children. So how is she going to handle that moving forward in season 8, especially with the news now that she is actually engaged to Barney? While we don’t know for sure the context of this situation coming up on the show, we can help to clear up one thing: whether or not she will have some time with at least one child before the current batch of episodes is done.

According to a new report from TVLine, the good new according to executive producer Carter Bays is that we are going to be seeing at least one story moving forward in the season that involves a little bit more extensively Robin along with Marshall and Lily’s son Marvin. Think of it as Robin getting an opportunity to be a parent, even if she is unable to biologically herself:

“We have a fun episode coming up about Robin and the baby … It’s almost based on myself. I feel like it’s a story that I could have taken from my own life a little bit, about the abject fear about holding a baby and how scary that is if you’re not someone who is around babies much or knows babies. It’s Robin overcoming her fear of holding a baby.”

So will this lead to her spending more time with the child moving forward? We’re counting on it; even if Robin never adopts any children with Barney in the future, she is still going to have quite a few times to help watch out for whoever these two (along with the two kids Ted has with the Mother) welcome into the world.

Do you want to see some more news on Robin? If so, be sure to head over to the link here to catch the first shot of her and Barney spending some time with her father.

Photo: CBS

How I Met Your Mother News

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