Big Brother 23 live feed spoilers: Is Azah having second thoughts?

Azah Awasum

We’re just over 24 hours away from the Big Brother 23 finale on CBS, so is there a sudden injection of drama here that wasn’t there previously? We do think that there could be … though this may also be some last-minute waffling on the part of Azah.

Here’s the thing about where she is in the game right now. She knows that she’s got a 50-50 chance of winning the final HoH and with that, determining what she wants to do when it comes to her endgame. For a while, it seemed to be a sure thing that she would take Derek. The two have been together from the start; not only that, but she definitely has a much-better chance of winning versus him in the end.

New Big Brother 23 video! Check out some of our thoughts about where things could stand entering the finale below! After you take a look at that, be sure to SUBSCRIBE to Matt & Jess on YouTube — there are more updates on the way and we don’t want you missing them.

Yet, yesterday Azah told Xavier that she’s going to think about taking him! Why? We think a lot of it comes down to the idea of who “deserves” it — though the idea of being deserving is such a bizarre, somewhat-nebulous concept in a game like this in the first place. Derek has been pretty awful to her over the past day or two, so we can’t say that we’re even remotely surprised that she is starting to think about what she wants at the end. Xavier has been far kinder and more supportive/understanding of her decision. This almost makes him a worse person to take to the end because he’s so good, but we get that Azah is someone who cares a lot about people’s actions and wanting to reward someone who is showing kindness.

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Big Brother 23 right now

What do you think is going to happen with Azah on Big Brother 23 moving forward?

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