Vigil episode 6 (finale): Is Amy dead, Suranne Jones leaving the show?


Is Suranne Jones leaving Vigil following the events of the season 1 finale? Is Amy dead? We could understand you having some serious questions all about that, especially based on how episode 5 of the BBC One series ended. Her life was in serious jeopardy, after all, and we know that the goal here was to provide some serious stakes.

Here’s the thing we knew about this episode in advance: The writers for Vigil are more than fine to kill characters off. We’ve seen that so far, and we’re also aware that they didn’t plan out this show to be the sort of thing that lasts for many years on end. We do think there’s a chance we’ll get some more episodes down the road but, at least for the time being, nothing is altogether confirmed. We do think they could do a season 2 without the Amy character, even if we’d be rather bummed if she’s gone.

The biggest issue when it comes to Amy’s survival at the moment is simply that it’s hard to know who is going to help her at the moment. Who is in a proper position to do that?

No matter what happened to Jones’ character entering the finale, we at least know this: We’re going to have an epic conclusion to this story. There are so many loose ends that need to be tied up and in the end, we’re stoked to see precisely what this story looks like. There’s a reason why so many viewers have flocked to Vigil since the start of the season…

The good news…

Amy made it! We have no idea how Amy made it but, in the end, she did and we suppose that this is all that matters now.

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Vigil right now, including the show’s season 2 chances

What did you expect to see happen to Amy as we get into the Vigil season 1 finale?

What were some of your prevailing theories? Be sure to share right now in the comments! Once you do just that, stick around for some other updates that you don’t want to miss. (Photo: BBC One.)

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