American Horror Story: Double Feature episode 6: Is Red Tide really done?
Yet, is that really the case? Is there something potentially more at hand here?
New American Horror Story video! If you haven’t had a chance yet, be sure to watch our take on episode 5 below! Once you do this, we suggest that you also SUBSCRIBE to Matt & Jess on YouTube — there are some other updates coming throughout the season and we don’t want you missing them.
Our first bit of evidence that tomorrow’s episode is truly the end of “Red Tide” is the simple nature of Double Features themselves. While the movies featuring during these classic trips to the cinema are often similar, very rarely does one bleed into the next. The common ground between the first and second part of this season may just come via the cast — after all, there are some actors featured in both “Red Tide” and “Death Valley.”
Also, it’s a little difficult logistically to think about hos these stories could be connected. If “Death Valley” is really a story about aliens, how is that tied to anything we’re seeing right now? Aliens have not been brought up at all in “Red Tide” so far, and there are really only two arguments we could see made in regards to continuity. Maybe a character from “Red Tide” is some sort of secret alien (weird as that would be), or maybe the show is going to get super-meta and the story of “Death Valley” is actually the creation of one of the main characters here after taking the black pill.
Related – Be sure to get some more news regarding the next American Horror Story: Double Feature episode
Do you think American Horror Story: Double Feature is going to connect the two parts of its story at all?
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This article was written by Jess Carter. Be sure to follow her on Twitter.