‘Game of Thrones’ season 3: Words from Loras Tyrell

Game of ThronesWe are now at least in the same calendar year as the return of “Game of Thrones” to TV, and while season 3 is still a ridiculously long stretch of time away, we do at least have some new words now from one of the HBO show’s recurring players to help ease the wait.

Over the past two years, Finn Jones has at times been a scene-stealer in his role as Loras Tyrell, and based on the fact that his sister seems perfectly prepared to sit on the throne alongside known other than Joffrey Lannister, we have a feeling that we are going to be seeing plenty more of his when the show comes back on the air March 31.

So what does Jones specifically have to say about playing the show’s most-prominent (and alive) gay character? Speaking as the cover man for the new issue of the Gay Times, he explains that one of the many reasons that fans find his role appearing is because he is a gay character who does not adhere to any stereotype, and it is nothing that anyone would know unless they were to actually see him with another man:

“In terms of the gay community, I’ve got a very strong reaction that people are happy with it, happy that gay characters are being portrayed but not in a sensationalized or stereotyped way, and they’re being put into a world that is a very masculine, hard world. I hope that they think that we’re not stereotyping them.”

Odds are that if you have read A Storm of Swords (which is the next book in the popular George R.R. Martin series), then you are already rather familiar just on what sort of story awaits Loras in the future. If not, let’s just say that you are in for a wild ride.

If you want to see why we’ve selected “Game of Thrones” to be our Show of the Year, be sure to head on over to the link here.

Photo: HBO

Game of Thrones News

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