Magnum PI season 4 premiere scene teased during CBS Fall Preview!
Earlier this week CBS aired their annual Fall Preview special, and during one of the first segments of the show, they featured tiny clips from many of their upcoming shows. When it comes to Magnum PI, the tease they showed was especially worth noting: Magnum and Higgins were in the same room together, and it seemed as though Jay Hernandez’s character was leaning in for a kiss. For all of those wondering, the writers confirmed (see HERE) that the promo is 100% real, and that the scene featured will be in the premiere episode.
Does this scene suggest that Magnum and Higgins are about to get together? Let’s take a deep breath here for a moment. There’s no news out there that confirms this, for starters; it’s possible that this scene is a dream sequence. We also don’t know what the context for it is if it’s not a dream sequence. We’ve seen enough TV promos over the years to know not to take everything at face value! There’s also the fact that Higgins and Ethan could still be together, and we know that there’s a new Magnum love interest on the way.
If there is one prevailing takeaway from it, it’s simply that CBS is very aware of how much Magnum PI fans love the idea of Magnum and Higgins together. Out of all the scenes they could have previewed during this special, they went ahead and gave you this. It’s a sign that Magnum and/or Higgins could be at least considering the idea of having feelings for the other; they’ve played around with this over the past couple of years, but it hasn’t gotten to the point where a lot of emotions were explicitly expressed.
What are you hoping to see on the Magnum PI season 4 premiere?
Be sure to let us know right away in the attached comments! (Photo: CBS.)