American Horror Story: Double Feature episode 5: Who’s the final hero?

American Horror Story Double Feature

With almost every piece of entertainment within the horror genre, there is always the idea of the lone survivor. We’re talking here about the person who, despite great adversity, manages to emerge on the other side of the pile. The franchise has even referred to this in 1984 with the “Final Girl” trope coming into full bloom.

So is there a hero or heroine in American Horror Story: Double FeatureIs there anyone to point to? This is a tricky season to figure that out, given that most of the recipients of the black pill are not awful people. They’re just talented individuals looking to foster their gift and in a lot of ways, they’ve been shunned by the world. They were led to feel that they did not matter and because of that, they’re going to great lengths to shake things up.

Watch our most-recent American Horror Story: Double Feature review now! Once you take a look at that, remember to then also SUBSCRIBE to Matt & Jess on YouTube! After all, there are some other updates on the way and we don’t want you to miss any of them.

Despite the difficulty in figuring things out for this show, we do have a few possible names to think about here…

Doris – Lily Rabe’s character is personally affected here in a way that few other people are. We’re talking about someone who has gone through a lot because of these pills and she’s certainly smart enough to figure out a way to stop it. Yet, can she execute any plan? That’s the question mark…

Karen – Let’s face it — Sarah Paulson has to be more important than we’ve seen so far. Otherwise, it’s super-weird that she took on this role.

The Chemist – Doesn’t it make sense for the person who started all of this try to end it on some level?

Harry – We know that he still cares about Doris on some level — he tired to make that clear to Alma. With that, we want to think there’s enough humanity left in him to realize that whatever he’s gotten because of his “gift,” it just isn’t worth it.

Related Be sure to get some more news on American Horror Story right away, including other insight all about what the future holds

Who do you think could be the lone survivor on American Horror Story: Double Feature?

Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, stick around — there are some more news on the show coming and we don’t want you to miss them. (Photo: FX.)

This article was written by Jess Carter. Be sure to follow her on Twitter.

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