Big Brother 23 live feed spoilers: BB Bucks; Veto players

Big Brother 23

On yesterday’s new episode of Big Brother 23 we all had an opportunity to learn a little about the High Roller’s Room. Fans of the show have been voting to see who could have a chance at some all-important powers and for a long time today, the live feeds were down while some of this was playing out.

So what did we learn when the feeds came back? Go ahead and consider this your source on all of that.

For some more Big Brother 23 video discussion, be sure to check out our take on the nominations earlier today! Once you do just that, remember to SUBSCRIBE to Matt & Jess on YouTube — that’s a great source for ongoing updates all about the series and the feeds.

Let’s start with the BB Bucks twist, which is admittedly a little harder to discuss and/or dive into since there are inherent secrets with it. It looks as though Derek X., Derek F., and Britini may have received $100, and this gives all three of them an advantage in the game right now. For Britini, this may be both a blessing and a curse. It’s putting a bigger target on her — Kyland initially nominated Claire and Derek F. for eviction, but a growing number of people want Britini gone.

Unfortunately for some of these people, Britini is taking part in the Power of Veto Competition later today. Not only that, but she is being joined by Azah and Alyssa. Given that Alyssa is also a potential target this week, it is good news for both of them. The Veto Competition is a little later today so ultimately, we’ll see how things shake out. All in all, though, we have a feeling that an interesting week is ahead on the feeds. It’s been chaotic already…

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What do you most want to see on Big Brother 23 moving forward?

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