Power Book III: Raising Kanan episode 2 expectations: Back to school

Power Book III: Raising Kanan season 1

For those of you with the Starz app, you know what’s going down at midnight: Power Book III: Raising Kanan episode 2. The story will pick up where the premiere left off, and showcase a whole new host of problems for the title character.

Think about what’s going down for Kanan entering this episode: He’ll be doing whatever he can in order to readjust. Killing Buck Twenty is a transformative experience for him; Raq may not have wanted this life for him, but she recognizes now that there’s no other choice. He has to be able to handle himself; with that in mind, we’re going to be seeing her work in order to train him. Meanwhile, he’ll have to go to school and pretend like nothing ever happened.

Want to get some more news when it comes to Power Book III: Raising Kanan in video form? Then be sure to watch our take on the premiere below! Once you do just that, be sure to SUBSCRIBE to Matt & Jess on YouTube! There are other updates coming later that you don’t want to miss.

During episode 2, be prepared to see Kanan field a lot of questions about Buck’s whereabouts, especially when you think about how there was knowledge out there that the two guys were feuding. Davina in particular may have plenty of questions about that.

Meanwhile, Unique has his own operation and he could cause all sorts of problems for Raq moving forward. He’s already expressed that he won’t necessarily protect Kanan moving forward; he’s got his corners, but that doesn’t mean that the two are square. Add to this Detective Howard, who seems to have no real issue with Unique running the show for the time being. His motives are something we have to learn a little bit more about. Expect that tonight.

Related Be sure to get some more information on Howard courtesy of Omar Epps himself

What do you think is coming on Power Book III: Raising Kanan episode 2 overnight?

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