Good Witch series finale: Catherine Bell, James Denton set the stage

Good Witch

The Good Witch series finale is now a couple of days away! It’s absolutely a bittersweet occasion for so many reasons. We’re absolutely thrilled for there to be seven seasons of the show, in addition to of course all of the movies that happened before that.

With that being said, why did the show have to end now? After being a part of the Hallmark Channel for more than a decade, it feels almost unfair that there’s no proper final season here — instead, we have a couple of weeks to prepare for the end and that’s it. With the way the cast spoke about the cancellation after it was announced, it doesn’t feel like this was something that was long-planned; instead, they just have to make the best of the situation they’re in.

If you do want to get some more discussion all about this finale, why don’t you check out the Facebook Live below? Here, you can see Catherine Bell and James Denton talk one last time about the show and answer questions before the episode airs. There will be time for reflection about the series after the fact, but that’s something we can process on Sunday night. For now, there’s at least that small amount of mystery as to what is going to happen next.

We just hope that at the end of Good Witch, it does feel like there’s an opportunity to feel hopeful about the future of these characters. Even if this is it and there are no plans to make movies or do anything else with the franchise, shouldn’t we have a chance to think that Cassie, Sam, Abigail, and so many other characters are off living their best lives? That’s at least the ending we’d prefer here.

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Good Witch right now

What do you think is going to happen over the Good Witch series finale?

Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Once you do that, stick around to get some other news when it comes to the show. (Photo: Hallmark Channel.)

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