‘The Vampire Diaries’ season 4 spoilers: Ian Somerhalder’s latest challenge
You may have already heard that “Twilight” actor Charlie Bewley had been cast on “The Vampire Diaries” season 4, but what may have been a little bit of a mystery was just who he was squaring off against … at least until now.
According to a brand-new report from E! News, the actor’s character of Vaughn is going to be one of the additional members of The Five along with Jeremy and the now-departed Connor (who seemed to pass his membership card along before his death, metaphorically speaking), and he is going to be arriving to Mystic Falls seemingly with a very specific mission in mind later this season: trying to seek revenge on the person responsible for taking down Todd Williams’ character. Unfortunately for Elena, this puts her front and center on the list of targets.
So is there any way that there could possibly be an upside to all this? Sure, and it involves Ian Somerhalder’s Damon. Considering that he now has a whole new sort of responsibility for Nina Dobrev’s character thanks to her being a new vampire, a lover, and sired to him, he is going to do everything within his power in order to protect him. All of this put together is reportedly going to make for one of the sweeter moments we have seen from the Salvatore brother over the years. (and yes, we just used the word “sweet” to describe something that Damon is going to be doing).
The one thing we can say for sure? The Five is going to be major trouble for our main characters all season long, especially wtih one of them being within their own ranks.
What do you want to see happen to Elena and Damon moving forward this season? Be sure to share your thoughts below, and you can read about some “Vampire Diaries” fun featuring Klaus over here.
Photo: The CW
January 2, 2013 @ 11:03 am
I want Damon and Elena to be over. I don’t enjoy seeing them together. I love Stefan and Elena together. Stefan deserves to be with her just as much as Damon does. Stefan is selfish? So just b/c his bother has tried to take the love his life away from him since day 1 he is supposed to step aside? No one in their right mind would do this so why should Stefan. I haven’t enjoyed the 1st half of the season b/c none of it makes sense.
January 2, 2013 @ 6:06 am
I hope that Delena with or with out sire bond continue. What ever is said about the sire bond, I can’t help thinking that the undieing love and unbreakable bond between the two is very romantic and sexy…
I also hope that Stefan will step up and help Damon protect himself and Elena as Damon always did when thing were the other way around and needed it.
December 29, 2012 @ 9:09 am
I hope to see Damon and Elena together, they deserve each other and they definitly love each other.
Alie Stone
December 22, 2012 @ 10:15 pm
Damon and Elena should be able to be together. They obviously love each other! Stephan is being super selfish right now and he doesn’t care how much it hurts both Damon and Elena to say goodbye. I really hope Damon and Elena’s relationship status by at least the end of this season should be, Together.