Ratings: ‘The Big Bang Theory’ draws more viewers than ‘The X Factor’ USA finale

The X Factor LogoSomewhere, the monster known as “The Big Bang Theory” is laughing over what is now a pretty shocking result. Even though it aired a repeat on Thursday night, the mammoth CBS comedy series managed to almost equal the much-touted season 2 finale for “The X Factor” USA in the 18-49 demographic. While it came a little bit short in this department with a 2.8 rating to the talent competition’s 3.1, it actually was watched by more than a million viewers. This is surely not what Simon Cowell was hoping for when he started the show.

So what went so wrong when it came to the talent show’s ratings this year? This is something that we will hopefully have a better answer for as time goes by, but for the time being the easiest explanation is simply that the genre is oversaturated, and there is really nothing that “The X Factor” does that either “The Voice” or “American Idol” does better. It doesn’t draw the same attention as the latter show, has a weaker overall contestant base, and the production tries too hard to throw normal people into “superstar” roles before they are ready for it.

The good news for Cowell and company is that this rating is a rise of 0.7 from where the show was at this point last week; unfortunately, the bad news is that this is still a drop of 0.7 from where the show finished last season. Remember, Britney Spears was supposed to be a huge ratings draw for the show and for Fox; instead, all she has ended up doing was being a massive disappointment both commercially and critically.

What do you think that “The X Factor” needs to do in order to increase its ratings moving forward into next year? If you want to read more of the latest drama involving LeAnn Rimes and Carly Rose Sonenclar, you can do so over at the link here.

Photo: Fox

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