Loki episode 2: What to know in advance for Disney+ series

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As you prepare for Loki episode 2, what should you expect to see — beyond, of course, Tom Hiddleston antics?

At this point, it almost goes without saying that this show is going to be a hoot. We’re talking about one of the most inventive characters within the greater Marvel Cinematic Universe getting a chance to shine! We’re also talking about a character that is getting a lot of creative freedom and six full episodes — the order here is the same as what we had for The Falcon and the Winter Solider. 

Disney+ does not reveal too many details for their upcoming episodes, so really, Loki episode 2 is going to be mostly about the aftermath of episode 1. This show has a lot to set up in the early going, so we think of it as one that metaphorically shoots itself out of a cannon and only gets bolder and crazier from here.

One of the larger questions we’re set to wonder through a lot of this will be rather simple: What is the larger effect going to be on the greater MCU? We had this with WandaVision, but we thought it to be a somewhat more insular tale as opposed to something that will reverberate in movies to come. (It might have been different if there was a Doctor Strange cameo somewhere near the end of it.) Meanwhile, we do think that Falcon and Winter Solider will be the sort of show that inspires a LOT of change when it comes to the future of the Captain America character. It almost has to depending on when Marvel does their next big team-up movie.

We wish that we were getting all of Loki at once but alas, that is not the case. Episode 2 will be arriving on the streaming service next week.

What do you most want to see when it comes to Loki episode 2?

Where do you think the story is going to go from here? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, remember to stick around to get some other insight.

Photo: Disney+

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