The Good Doctor season 4 finale: Shaun and Lea’s huge moment
Claire’s exit also came about in a way that a lot of people would have expected: She took the job that allowed her to do the most work and saved the most lives. She seems happy to do it, even though she’s going to miss Shaun and many of her other colleagues dearly. The goodbye that the two shared was touching and perfect — Shaun had never hugged her before, and there was something about that embrace that had so much more meaning to it.
As for Shaun and Lea, the two were able to finish off their story this season in a slightly better place. She told him that she is not done struggling, but she recognizes that she won’t be sad forever. She also wants to continue moving forward with Shaun, and that led to one of the most romantic moments we’ve seen for the two of them so far. She proposed to him, and he quickly said yes in response! It was a proposal and a response that was perfect for them; now, we have to figure out if we’ll see a wedding next season. (Shaun calling Claire to tell her after she just left was perfect.)
Ultimately, we’re just happy that this season ended in a far more pleasant way than the one beforehand, mostly because these characters have gone through so much already! The last thing we needed was another avalanche of tears. (Did we mention that Park and Morgan have also admitted that they love each other?)
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