Is Breeders season 2 episode 9 the show’s most-important episode?

Breeders season 2

If you haven’t caught up on season 2 of FX’s Breeders as of yet, there’s still time leading into Monday night’s episode. “No Power, Part 1” is going to lead into an epic season finale the following week, and we have information signaling that it could be one of the most important episodes yet.

On the surface, Breeders is a quirky, lighthearted show, and even a deviation from some of FX’s more dark and dramatic fare. Yet, one of the joys within the series comes from taking chances and being unafraid of the consequences. You will see much of that Monday night, which kicks off with Jim and Jackie’s golden wedding anniversary. This should be a fantastic thing to celebrate, right? Well, in theory. A power outage (big surprise, given the episode’s title) strikes, and as a result of that, characters start to air out their grievances. Eventually, we get to a moment between Paul and his son Luke that could alter much of everything in the future.

To give you a better sense of how important this episode is, take a look at the following quote from showrunner Simon Blackwell:

“The closing minutes of Episode 209 of Breeders contains a pivotal piece of action that the entire second season was built around. We’d planned for a while that we would age the kids up in Season 2, so Luke and Ava would be six years older than they were in Season 1. And the one definite thing I knew I wanted to happen was for 13-year-old Luke to reach a very particular dramatic point with his dad, a shocking moment that redefines their entire relationship in a second. The whole of the series arc then grew out of that moment – where it would happen within the season, the emotional build up to it, and its unsteady resolution. Writing like that – from the micro out to the macro, building from a detail rather than starting with broad brushstrokes and then drilling down –is a gamble, but it’s very satisfying if it pays off. I hope it does here.”

If you want to see that gamble in action, watch Breeders live on Monday. If not then, check it out the next day on Hulu and try to avoid spoilers all the while. The promo below gives you a small sense of what’s to come, but we think it only scratches the surface.

What do you most want to see on Breeders season 2 episode 9 this Monday?

Be sure to share right now in the attached comments.

Photo: FX

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