Is This Is Us new tonight on NBC? The path to season 5 finale
Unfortunately, we’re not officially in the home stretch as of yet. Tonight is the final Tuesday without a new episode for the rest of the season. It returns on May 11, and as of right now the plan is for the finale to air on the 25th. This season has been stretched out far more than usual, but the simple reason for that has to do with the global health crisis. Because the show started production later than usual, it also needed more time to wrap up its episode order.
Want to watch our most-recent This Is Us video? Then remember to check that out below! We’ll have a new review the moment the show comes back, so we suggest that you subscribe to Matt & Jess on YouTube right now! We’ll have another review up the moment the show returns.
We know that it’s been a while since a new This Is Us aired on NBC, but based on what we’re hearing right now, this wait should prove to be very much worthwhile. Just check out the synopses for the next two episodes to get more insight all about it.
Season 5 episode 14, “The Music and the Mirror” – 05/11/2021 (09:00PM – 10:01PM) (Tuesday) : Beth navigates her career path. Kate and Toby face unexpected issues. A run in with someone from his past gives Kevin pause. TV-14
Season 5 episode 15, “Jerry 2.0”– 05/18/2021 (09:00PM – 10:01PM) (Tuesday) : Kevin and Madison partake in their respective bachelor and bachelorette parties. TV-14
The latter synopsis seems to suggest that Kevin’s wedding could come during the season finale — and we know that finale weddings are something that this show loves to do. Are we 100% confident, though, that it’s going to happen? Let’s just say that the answer, at least for now, is a pretty clear “no.” It’s hard to feel that confident based on how this show tends to surprise us.
Related – Be sure to get some other scoop on This Is Us as we inch closer to the end of the season
What do you most want to see on This Is Us moving forward?
Be sure to share some of your season 5 predictions below! After doing that, remember to also keep coming back for some further analysis. (Photo: NBC.)