Line of Duty season 6 finale: Is Ian Buckells the Fourth Man, H?

Line of Duty finale

Tonight’s Line of Duty season 6 finale promised drama and with that, we had to sit around and wonder if it’d deliver on the Fourth Man. The “who is H?” mystery has been a part of the show from the very beginning, and as the episode progressed, it started to become clear that Ian Buckells was at the center of everything.

Or … was he? For most of the interrogation scene tonight, the guy just sat there and say “no comment” time and time again. When he did speak, he did so in vague terms, describe the Fourth Man in general as an off-the-record entity that may not actually exist. Buckells did eventually land himself in a massive dilemma: Either he speak out on something or lose an immunity deal. He couldn’t have everything he wanted, and that’s what made this interrogation so magnificent. The directing really gives you that proper time for the story to build and build until you get to the major flourishes.

But did we actually get a clear answer? That’s a different story altogether. We still have a hard time believing that he was the Fourth Man, mostly because he never felt smart or shrewd enough to get the job done. Also, there was enough time left for creator Jed Mercurio to drop another twist.

Was there one? Not exactly. This was a more muted finale than we were expecting in a whole lot of ways, especially when you consider just how much tension there was set up to be over the course of the season. All we know is that Ian Buckells is confined to the Vulnerable Prisoners Unit and odds are, he will be there for a while. This was an ending, but we certainly don’t think that it is THE ending. There has to be something more here, right?

Here’s why we are worried: The BBC broadcaster at the end of the episode noted that “H” will give an interview tomorrow — meaning that Buckells is that very person. But is a post-show narrator really meant to be canon? We’re not quite sure…

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Line of Duty right now

What do you most want to see when it comes to the Line of Duty season 6 finale?

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