Blue Bloods season 11 episode 13 photo: What’s happening with Jamie?
Out of all of the images that have been revealed so far for “Fallen Heroes,” this one is by far the most mysterious. After all, there isn’t all that much that is known about who Jamie is speaking to, and it may not even be tied to his case-of-the-week plot. Per the synopsis, Jamie will clash with his father Frank over whether or not another cop is deserving of a reprimand — mostly due to his actions in the field. What seems like a simple situation is going to eventually devolve into more of a political crisis with City Hall possibly getting involved. In other words, Jamie better tread lately.
From what we can gather, the situation in this photo is at least related to what happens in the field — the woman is proof of that. In the photo below, you can see Jamie in uniform alongside this woman, who is seemingly named Jill Carmago. In the image above, meanwhile, Jamie’s in street clothes. Obviously he checks in on her on more than one occasion. It’s possible that he is gathering additional news on a case, just as it’s possible that he is also just ensuring that she is doing okay and safe.
What we’re hoping for here is a story that demonstrates the delicacy of Jamie’s position as Sergeant — he as added responsibility on him, and with that comes added pressure. He needs to be a leader, just as he also needs to understand that he will be held to a higher standard. There’s no other way around it because of his family status.
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(Photo: CBS.)
This article was written by Jess Carter.