The Blacklist season 8 episode 15: Is Liz really loyal to Neville Townsend?

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On Friday night’s The Blacklist season 8 episode 14, you may understand further why Liz is working with Neville Townsend. This is a ruthless, often-terrifying man, and she seems to go against every single part of the FBI’s morality. So why pair up with him? Even if he wants Reddington dead, is the metaphorical juice really worth the squeeze? These are two things we’re left to wonder.

Ultimately, it does seem like season 8 episode 15 (entitled “The Russian Knot”) could show us further just how far Liz is willing to go in order to prove her loyalty. Will she stay allied with someone who is, by and large, a deadly loose cannon? He’s going to test her in this episode, and that’s just one of many stories of interest at present.

Want to get some more news on The Blacklist in video form? Then we suggest that you watch our most-recent review below! After you do just that, remember to then also subscribe to Matt & Jess on YouTube — we’ll have another discussion coming up soon.

For a few more details right now on what lies ahead, we suggest that you view the full The Blacklist season 8 episode 14 synopsis below:

04/30/2021 (08:00PM – 09:00PM) (Friday) : The Task Force hatches a plan to steal a Soviet-era cipher machine needed to decrypt coded messages. Townsend puts Liz’s loyalty to the test. Red and Dembe are called to an unexpected meeting. TV-14

One of the things that we’ve been especially curious for a while about with this show is simply this: Will Liz ever flip back to Team Reddington? We think that it’s possible, but one of two things need to happen. Megan Boone’s character is either going to need to realize that Reddington was right all along, or be forced to realize that some of the alternatives are so much worse. (In this case, dealing with Neville.)

What do you most want to see when it comes to The Blacklist season 8 episode 14?

Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! After you do check that out, remember to stick around for additional updates. (Photo: NBC.)

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