Joan Rivers insults Justin Bieber again, Twitter explodes
If you went on Twitter Saturday and realized that Joan Rivers was the #1 Trending Topic, you probably asked yourself all sorts of questions. No, there is not some sort of hoax being played about her death (which has been done a million times before with a variety of other celebrities); rather, the “Fashion Police” host and former “Celebrity Apprentice” winner is instead under fire yet again from Justin Bieber fans over a new “joke” that she posted on her Twitter account this week.
Rivers’ joke is in reference to a man who is suspected of trying to orchestrate a plan to kill Justin Bieber while behind bars, a plot that was stopped by authorities across America long before it ever came to fruition:
“Last week, police foiled a plot to kidnap and castrate Justin Bieber. I don’t see the big deal – his balls haven’t dropped yet.”
Is the comment mean-spirited? Sure, but this is Joan Rivers’ comedy: trying to belittle and humiliate other people for laughs. This is the way she’s always been, and comments from Bieber fans are not going to change that at all. She’s obviously doing it for attention (this article is proof that it is working), and there is a simple solution to anyone who is offended: don’t read her tweets. People who appreciate her comedy follow her online, and there is nothing that she is doing here that is against the law. You’re really just better off ignoring it than causing a massive stir.
Have you ever found these sort of comments from Joan on Twitter (or on her E! talk show) to be funny, or do you just think that these sort of jokes, in particular a day after so many young children were killed, to be in bad taste? We want to hear from you below! If you want to see some more TV controversy surrounding Bieber, you can do so over here.
Photo: E!
December 18, 2012 @ 3:24 pm
Joan Rivers is a ‘loser riding his coat tails to fame?!’ I know you’re probably 10 years old, or the mental equivalent, but she’s been famous since long before Bieber’s little Mommy was even born. She was funny then, she’s funny now, Biebs will be in the gutter long before her. Enjoy.
Ryan Parker
December 17, 2012 @ 12:13 pm
I don’t think his fans understand–if Joan Rivers is writing and telling jokes about Justin Bieber, then that means he is still relevant and on top of his career. The day Ms. Rivers (and other comics) stop telling jokes about Bieber…then you should worry because that means nobody cares about him anymore. So instead of bashing a legend like Joan Rivers for being brilliant and incredibly funny, y’all should thank her for keeping JB relevant in pop culture.
Jessamyn Merchan
December 16, 2012 @ 4:51 pm
Joan NEEDS to stop. She is being so disrespectful. Hers jokes are rude and so not funny. Humiliating someone is not comedy. People like you make me sick. You think your so cool for making fun of someone who lived his dream. LAME. People like you need to take a look at themselves. How would feel if those jokes were said to you. It wouldn’t be so funny then, huh? Justin has worked so hard to get to the top and deserves everything he has. He is an amazing person with a wonderful personality. He makes so many people smile each and everyday. YOU KNOW HIS NAME NOT HIS STORY.
December 16, 2012 @ 11:08 am
she is just hateing over justin beiber
December 16, 2012 @ 1:07 am
Bieber is annoying and arrogant whereas Joan is a true survivor of decades, and she is brilliant.
December 15, 2012 @ 7:16 pm
Justin Bieber is amazing, and she’s just a loser who’s riding in his coat tails for attention- talk about being desperate for fame!