Is Stefania Spampinato leaving Station 19, Carina DeLuca role?


Is Stefania Spampinato leaving Station 19and is that something that you should be worried about? We understand if you feel that way.

Why? Think in terms of the storyline involving her visa situation. Tonight, Carina revealed to Maya that her visa situation is dire. Immigration offices are shut down and because of that, she’s having a hard time figuring out how to stay. Not only that, but there’s another issue at hand: She realizes that she can help her country. Italy is in a horrible state with the virus, and we know that she’s capable of doing a lot of good there. She may also need to see more family after all of the loss she’s suffered as of late.

Here’s the good news that we have at the moment: There’s no confirmation that Spampinato is leaving the show. We’d be surprised if she did for good. There’s so much people have invested in the Carina/Maya relationship, and we have a hard time thinking that the writers would want to split them up. Would they insert some drama? Sure, given that this is what this show does. The same goes for Grey’s Anatomy.

We do think that the writers put some of our fears on ice at the conclusion of this episode, as they made it clear that Maya wanted to go with Carina to Italy … so we’ll see what happens in the weeks ahead. It still could be a challenge for the two of them trying to make travel work during the health crisis, and they also theoretically have a lot of time to go — Carina’s visa does not expire for another month. It’s possible that they can figure out this situation over the next several weeks and with that, the sense of urgency goes away altogether.

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Station 19 and what lies ahead — there’s a new episode next week!

Are you worried that Stefania Spampinato is leaving Station 19?

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