Animal Kingdom season 5 teaser: J keeps it all in perspective

Animal Kingdom season 4 episode 9Animal Kingdom season 5 is poised to premiere at some point this summer, though TNT continues to keep its cards close to the vest. They aren’t sharing a full trailer or too many specifics, so we’re pleased to get whatever little morsel the network decides to pass along.

With that very thing in mind, can we go ahead and present what we have below? The latest teaser focuses front and center on Finn Cole’s character of J, a guy who in theory, seems to be the most capable of taking over Smurf’s criminal empire.

Want to make sure you don’t miss our Animal Kingdom video updates this season? Then we suggest that you go ahead and subscribe to Matt & Jess on YouTube! We’ll be talking all about the series this summer and want you to stay up to date.

This teaser does make J appear, by far, the most self-aware member of the Cody family. It features him discussing the difference between what characters want and what they deserve — the Codys want to get pretty much everything. Yet, they probably don’t deserve most of it. Remember that they commit crimes for a living! Their jobs are dangerous and can result in a high body count. This is what makes watching this show so complicated; most of these characters are compelling to watch, but you’d probably want to steer clear of them in real life.

Since we are inching closer to the start of the summer and one of TNT’s other big shows in Snowpiercer is over for now, we imagine that a full season 5 premiere date announcement will be coming soon. Hopefully, to go along with that there will be some sort of trailer release.

Related Be sure to score some other updates right now on Animal Kingdom, including more details on what lies ahead

What do you most want to see when it comes to Animal Kingdom season 5?

Is there any one character whose story you are the most excited for? Be sure to let us know right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, be sure to stick around — there are some other updates on the way that are well work discussing. (Photo: TNT.)

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