Is Hrothgar Mathews leaving When Calls the Heart? Will Ned die?

When Calls the Heart

As we prepare for the next new episode of When Calls the Heart season 8, we have plenty of questions all about Ned’s fate. Is Hrothgar Mathews leaving the show? It’s fair to wonder this right now.

At the end of tonight’s episode, we saw the character collapse in a particularly shocking way … and based on the promo that aired afterwards, we still have plenty of cause for concern. We saw the character at the infirmary, but also no confirmation that he’s going to get through this situation in one piece. The show didn’t exactly put our mind at ease … not that you can be shocked by this given that When Calls the Heart is the sort of show that wants to convince you to keep watching.

So are we nervous that he’s going to die? Absolutely we are. This is a show that has put some other lives in danger over the years, and with some notable exceptions (Jack), many others have found their way through. You need to have high stakes in a world like this, though we’re certainly not rooting to lose another important character.

There’s also one other thing to be concerned about here: While Carson has not exactly been killed off, there is still concern that he could leave for Baltimore. (He says that he doesn’t want to, but Faith is worried that he will end up regretting it.) We don’t want to lose two characters in a very-short period of time!

At this point, we are at the midway point on When Calls the Heart — that means that from here on out, we imagine that there will be higher stakes and even more drama. While you want those lighthearted, fun moments, what would Hope Valley be if it didn’t make you shed a tear here and there?

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to When Calls the Heart right now

What do you want to see happen with Ned on When Calls the Heart moving forward?

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