This Is Us season 5 spoilers: Will Jennifer Morrison return again?


On this past episode of This Is Us season 5, we had a chance to briefly see Jennifer Morrison as Cassidy. We know that she’s an extremely important part of Nicky’s life, and she’s also got a fascinating history with Kevin. She encouraged Nicky to stay in California after he called her in the middle of the night, and we know that a lot of viewers took note of the fact that she was in bed alone.

So is that it for the Once Upon a Time alum this season? Is there a chance to see her on the show again?

For some more thoughts on this past episode of This Is Us, be sure to watch our latest review below! Once you check that out, our suggestion is that you subscribe to Matt & Jess on YouTube. After all, that’s where we post all of our updates after each new episode.

Speaking to Entertainment Weekly in a new interview, story editor Laura Kenar (who also wrote Tuesday’s “One Small Step…” episode) had the following to say about Cassidy both in Tuesday’s episode and the future:

There actually was more Cassidy information that didn’t fit in the time of the episode, but there will be more Cassidy before the end of the season. I can say that. I’m not going to say any more than that. But it’ll be a cool reveal when we see her.

After you read this, it’s pretty hard to not be excited for the future. What could this reveal be, and could it mean something interesting for either Kevin or Nicky? She doesn’t know too many other main characters on this show, so it limits somewhat the people she would have some sort of natural connection to. We already wish we knew about some of the stuff that was cut out from this episode…

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What do you want to see from Jennifer Morrison on This Is Us moving forward?

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