Big Brother Canada 9 live feed spoilers: Is the vote flipping?
Here’s the situation for everyone who is a little bit behind right now on the feeds — Kiefer won the Power of Veto, and after he removed himself from the block, we then saw Head of Household Austin nominate Rohan as the replacement. This led to a pretty heated debate — Josh hasn’t shown to be a particularly good social player, as he’s messy and there’s almost no trust between him and the other players. You could understand easily why people would want him out. The fact that he got called out in part at a house meeting didn’t help.
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Yet, this is where things get complicated. Rohan and Kyle have a close bond, and there’s a cause that getting out Rohan weakens Kyle’s case and also gets out a good competition player. This is something that appeals to many members of the Sunsetters, the dominant alliance of Tychon, Jedson, Beth, Kiefer, Tina, and Latoya. The majority of them have been aboard the idea of evicting Rohan for a while now (they control the votes), but today Tina came around more on the idea. She’d had a belief that she’d gotten reasonably close to them, or at least close enough that she could use them later on in the game. It may be a mistake relenting to what others want, but she also can’t push too hard for a single plan — if she does, she starts to look defensive.
To us, the real reason to keep Rohan is that he and Kyle could be weaponized against Jedson and Tychon later on — Josh has been telling people he wants Austin out. For the Sunsetters, keeping him is hardly a bad thing for that reason.
Related – Check out our interview with the evicted Julie Vu
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