Big Brother Canada 9 interview: Julie Vu discusses eviction, Dolls alliance

Julie Vu

On last night’s Big Brother Canada 9 episode, we saw the end of the road for houseguest Julie Vu — and it was so much earlier than expected.

Julie’s exit came about after a frenetic start to the season, one that featured a new Team Twist and a surprising series of events. It looked for most of the episode as though Josh would be the first person out, but instead Latoya and others determined that Julie would be the bigger threat to their long-term game. She had so much to offer in terms of live-feed entertainment and strategy — alas, we’re not going to have a chance to see it now.

In the video below, you can watch our first of many exit interviews for the season. Julie was kind with her time, and more than willing to share lots of info about the game. While you watch, be sure to subscribe to Matt & Jess on YouTube! In addition to these interviews, we also share live-feed coverage, reviews, and a whole lot more.

Some of the notable highlights of the interview include Julie discusses how surprised she was to be evicted, how quickly things turned on her, and how much she wants to see Josh leave the game next. She went into the game enthusiastic and ready to play, and it’s her own admission that she probably went too hard, too fast and got herself in too many alliances. She also details her frustration at Latoya and also how close she was to her fellow “Dolls” in Austin and Breydon.

Despite being the first person out, Julie is in good spirits and she made it clear what she’s most excited to do when she gets out of the BBCAN9 bubble and into her normal life once more. You can keep up with some of Julie’s own videos by heading over to the link here.

Related Check out some more updates on Big Brother Canada, including our most-recent live-feed update

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