The Blacklist season 8 episode 9: The Neville Townsend reveal…

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Who is Neville Townsend really? For over a year now, we’ve had this question when it comes to The Blacklist. Luckily, tonight’s episode gave us a good answer, plus also put a face to the name.

Here is what we know about Neville at present — he is a longtime operative who, for the past few decades, has chased down Katarina Rostova over the pretense that she was N-13 and responsible for the deaths of his family. The Townsend Directive was a kill order, and Katarina faking her own death with the Kazanjian Brothers was her way of getting out of it. However, Katarina was later killed by Reddington … which leads us to where we are now.

If you want to watch our video review for tonight’s “The Cyranoid,” be sure to watch it below! (Obviously, big spoilers within.) We post new content on the show every week, so we suggest that you also subscribe to Matt & Jess for some other coverage, previews, and theories.

Over the course of episode 9, Liz (through her “doppelganger”) did her best to convince Townsend that Reddington was N-13 the whole time. Not only that, but she presented him with substantial evidence! It was enough to convince him to team up with her to take Reddington out — this was her endgame this whole time. That’s the reason why she captured Chemical Mary in the first place; it had nothing to do with wanting to create a weapon.

With Townsend now on her side, the two can find a way to torment Reddington to their heart’s content — unless the character finds a way to convince them otherwise. This is where things get a little more tricky. There is still a major part of us that believes that N-13 isn’t quite what everyone thinks but for some reason, Reddington can’t disclose it. From here on out, we imagine that things are going to get a little messy.

What do you most want to see when it comes to The Blacklist season 8 episode 9?

Be sure to let us know right now in the attached comments! After you do just that, remember to stick around — there are some more updates on the way and we don’t want you to miss them. (Photo: NBC.)

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